by kauminpatel22798 | Jul 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
Make any message effective using these 5 tools 1. Visual (sight)2. Auditory (sound)3. Kinesthetic (feeling or emotions)4. Olfactory (smell)5. Gustatory (taste) These elements—our senses—are the ingredients of experience. Any time we experience anything in life, a...
by kauminpatel22798 | Jul 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
Dirty Hack #1: People need to feel needed People are drawn to people who need them. Who doesn’t need a sense that their life matters? Who doesn’t want to feel like they have an important role to play in life? Give someone a sense that they are truly...
by kauminpatel22798 | Jul 12, 2023 | Uncategorized
This happened 3 years back when I started to work with this mentor of mine in his office I was supposed to work on their ads, landing page and other marketing aspects Once I started working, I realised a big problem, their team was dumb, and there was a bigger problem...