Dirty Hack #1: People need to feel needed

People are drawn to people who need them. Who doesn’t need a sense that their life matters? Who doesn’t want to feel like they have an important role to play in life? Give someone a sense that they are truly needed, not because you are desperate, but because they are special, and you will be giving them one of the greatest gifts imaginable.

Make people feel needed and you will be able to own their soul

Dirty Hack #2: When aware of an impasse, people will do anything to gain a sense of hope


Those who can create a sense of hope in the face of hopelessness command attention. Those who can deliver on their promises command loyalty. Those who can do both are among the most powerful of all as they have mastered our second hidden addiction.

When Suffering from a big problem, people are looking for hope to find a way out,

Give them Hope

Dirty Hack #3: People need a scapegoat

When people are frustrated and don’t know which way to turn, those who help them identify an external cause for their problems provide an attractive solution indeed.

In the face of difficulty, there is perhaps no stronger instinct than the desire to determine that the source of the problem is outside ourselves. In other words, to find a scapegoat.

No one wants to take responsibility for the bad things happening in life,
Make people believe that someone else is the reason for their suffering, they will love you from the heart

Dirty Hack #4: People need to be noticed and feel understood

Our need to be noticed and feel appreciated cannot be overstated. The opportunity to meet this need can override the greatest intellect on earth and lead one to engage in behaviour that may, in retrospect, seem bizarre

Simply listen to them, and value their ideas, once people feel that you understand them they will be addicted to you for life

Dirty Hack #5: People need to know things others don’t know/things they aren’t supposed to know

The desire to know things which others are not supposed to know is one of the core human tendencies

Gain knowledge about scarce things which are not available everywhere and share with people,

They will be pulled towards you

Dirty Hack #6: People need to be right

Everyone is an addict when it comes to being right

Make people feel that their judgement About the situation, person or event is right, and they will do what you want them to do as long as they feel they are right

Dirty Hack #7: People need to feel a sense of power

How do we give others a “sense of power” without actually giving up power itself? By giving and emphasizing another’s power over a restricted set of options. Options determined by the person with the ultimate authority. And while giving another person a sense of choice in a given situation helps meet their hidden desire for power

Nobody wants to feel powerless, Give them sense of power and and they will be loyal with you forever

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