This happened 3 years back when I started to work with this mentor of mine in his office

I was supposed to work on their ads, landing page and other marketing aspects

Once I started working, I realised a big problem, their team was dumb, and there was a bigger problem

My mentor was also dumb( not really, he was the best in his industry, but he lacked understanding of new technology and how it works)

And everything was passing through him for approval initially, and he used to suggest silly changes which damaged my efforts

After a week of going like this

I confronted him, saying,

” You don’t know anything about this, if you don’t stay out of this, I can’t bring you results,

I can see a little anger in his eyes, he was there silent for a minute, no words, awakened silence

And then he said, okay, do things your way, I won’t interfere.

Then I started working my way, in 3 months I brought in more results than they did in a whole year, I was happy, so as he

I learned a lesson,

If you believe in something don’t be afraid to ask for it

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